Toddlers Area
Fun space for toddlers to play and learn, both inside and outdoors, as a free flow play environment.

Equipped with a variety toys and resources, to stimulate their enquiring minds. Staff encourage open questions such as: I wonder why or what is this? What could this be etc.

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children painting

Stimulating toddler curiosity

  • The toddlers enjoy their book area, full of books and puppets, to spark their imagination and begin to extend their vocabulary.

Helping them grow

  • The Toddler room staff observe the children to understand their stage of development and what they are interested in, this is used to plan a variety of activities throughout the week.
  • Staff are always on hand to give comfort and reassurance, helping to build their self-esteem. Childrens development is recorded on their Tapestry Journal, by their key person, which parents can access daily.

Outdoor and indoor play

  • The Toddlers have a routine of activities, to include indoor and outdoor play, where they choose activities of interest to them. Staff support and encourage play, to aid development, setting challenges to extend knowledge.
  • Children get involved with our displays and these with other activities are often posted on our facebook page.


Explore our vibrant and engaging learning environment

a child playing a child playing
a child playing a child playing a child playing
a child playing a child playing
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